By: Elie Y. Katz | June 27, 2024

With foodservice gaining importance in convenience stores, retailers cannot afford to give customers the impression that employees have poor sanitation habits or that their standard of excellence doesn’t extend to cleanliness.

Research consistently shows that dirty, poorly stocked bathrooms turn customers away and that clean, sanitary bathrooms are much more important to women than to men. Clean restrooms are so desirable that one in three Americans would pay to use a restroom if they were assured it was clean and well-equipped.

Seventy-two percent of those surveyed by the National Association of Convenience Stores said they stop using the restrooms, followed by those who have to pump gas (68%) and 66% who need to buy food or drinks.

Whether you operate a restaurant, convenience store or even your corporate office, many people will use your restrooms daily — customers, potential employees, business partners, etc. A dirty bathroom will impact your business’s reputation and bottom line.

According to The Facilities Group, a Tampa, Fla.-based facility maintenance and management firm, a recent survey found that 60% of Americans immediately leave a business or are less likely to return after encountering an unpleasant restroom.

That means for millions of Americans, the cleanliness of your facilities will define your brand and reputation. Many public restroom complaints can frustrate customers. Lack of soap, clogged toilets and dirty sinks are among the most common issues when using a business restroom.

The Facilities Group said dirty bathrooms damage your reputation in three key areas:

1) Creating a Health Hazard. Any unclean place can lead to health risks. Hundreds of people use public restrooms daily, making them the ideal setting for gathering germs. A dirty bathroom can cause bacteria and germs to linger, putting customers at risk of viruses and other health issues.

If your employees also use these restrooms, the problems increase, mainly if you sell foodservice items. Dirty bathrooms lower employee morale and cause health issues. For customer and employee safety, keeping restrooms clean is essential.

2) Reflects Poorly on Your Business. It is essential to consider the state of your bathroom as a reflection of your business image. For instance, if you own a restaurant and need to remember to clean your restrooms, customers may question the cleanliness of your kitchen.

These negative perceptions can significantly harm your business, especially in the modern age when even one online review, blog post or social media share can quickly spread the word.

Businesses in the service industry, such as hospitality, can give their customers peace of mind by maintaining clean restrooms. People encountering dirty bathrooms can develop a negative image of your stores and could begin to distrust other aspects of your company, including customer service.

Furthermore, if your competitors operate clean restrooms, which is their reputation, you will need more time to win back a customer who lost confidence in your brand.

3) Deters Potential Customers. A customer’s first encounter with your business could be when they stop in to use the restroom. If they find it dirty, they will be less likely to return. People who use your bathrooms may become potential clients, but when you need to remember to maintain your restrooms, these customers stay away. First impressions are lasting.

Clean restrooms give customers a positive perception of your business. Customers will appreciate your efforts and reward your business with increased sales and positive reviews that generate interest among future customers.

When customers have confidence in your facilities, especially in a restaurant environment, they shop more, stay longer and continue spending money on food and drinks.

Source: Convenience Store News